So a while back I pulled this photo from 1998. I looked at it, and looked at the shirt, and realized that I still had that exact shirt. I decided to try to re-create the photo. It was not new in the photo, and it definitely does not look new now.
At least 21 years old. It looks like the shirt aged better than I did. Same shirt, same location, same goofy smile, but without the mustache to hide it. If/When I regrow my mustache I will take another pic, if I still have the shirt.
Maybe I will take the next photo 21 years from now, same shirt, same location, same goofy smile. Although I am not sure even I can make the shirt last that long.
Amazing that I still have that shirt. I was talking to a guy at the bar. He was born in 1998. I told him I have underwear older than him. I was joking, but when I thought about it, I realized that I have some long winter underwear older than this shirt...…. Cheap bugger I guess.